Title: High 5 "Jom Rasa & Menang" Contest
Grand Prize x 10
Apple iPad 16G
2nd Prize x 15
Shopping Vouchers worth RM1,000
3rd Prize x 35
Shopping Vouchers worth RM200
31 August 2010 (1 July - 31 Aug 2010)
Join the High 5 "Jom Rasa & Menang" Contest and stand a chance to win an Apple iPad 16G!!!
How to Win:
Step 1
Buy any High 5 bread.
Step 2
To participate in the contest, you must fill up the entry form and fulfill either one of the High 5 barcode label(s).
Step 3
Drop your completed entry form into the drop-off contest box placed at high 5 bread stand in retail outlets or mail to:
PERADUAN High 5 "Jom Rasa & Menang"
Bahagian Pemasaran, Silver Bird Complex,
Lot 72, Persiaran Jubli Perak,
Seksyen 21, 40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Terms and conditions apply.
Link: http://www.silverbird.com.my/cform/High5%20Jom%20rasa%20&%20menang.pdf
when is the result published?
Yup...any news abt the High 5 contest result?