Title: McDonald's Malaysia "What's Your G" Contest
Grand Prize
RM5,000 cash + RM300 McDonald's Gift Certificates
1st Prize
Rm2000 Cash + RM200 McDonald's Gift Certificates
2nd Prize
Rm1000 Cash + RM100 McDonald's Gift Certificates
Consolation Prize x 50
RM50 McDonald's Gift Certificates
9 August 2010
As you discover the special taste of our NEW McDonald's GCB, tell us what's your G by joining this contest and stand a chance to win attractive cash prizes!
Some say the G in our GCB is Great-tasting. Others say it's Grileed, Glorious and even Gorgeous! What's your G then? Tell us your G and the reason why. RM10,000 worth of cash prizes up for grabs!
How to Win:
Register for the contest, then be at your most creative and submit your "What's Your G" answer in not more than 50 characters (space inclusive), along with the reason in not more than 150 characters (space inclusive).
Link: http://apps.facebook.com/mcdwhatsyourg
Grand Prize
RM5,000 cash + RM300 McDonald's Gift Certificates
1st Prize
Rm2000 Cash + RM200 McDonald's Gift Certificates
2nd Prize
Rm1000 Cash + RM100 McDonald's Gift Certificates
Consolation Prize x 50
RM50 McDonald's Gift Certificates
9 August 2010
As you discover the special taste of our NEW McDonald's GCB, tell us what's your G by joining this contest and stand a chance to win attractive cash prizes!
Some say the G in our GCB is Great-tasting. Others say it's Grileed, Glorious and even Gorgeous! What's your G then? Tell us your G and the reason why. RM10,000 worth of cash prizes up for grabs!
How to Win:
Register for the contest, then be at your most creative and submit your "What's Your G" answer in not more than 50 characters (space inclusive), along with the reason in not more than 150 characters (space inclusive).
Link: http://apps.facebook.com/mcdwhatsyourg
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