Title: Spritzer "TINGE In You" Best Shot Contest
Grand Prize x 5
Apple iPad
Consolation Prize x 5
Conon Ixus 300HS
Weekly Prize
Mysterious Gift
24 October 2010
Take part in Spritzer "TINGE In You" Best Shot Contest and stand a chance to win iPads and Canon ixus camera !!!
How to Win:
- Take a photo with your Tinge and upload it to Facebook Spritzer.Tinge Page.
- Get Support from your friends to "Like" your photo.
The lucky top 10 participants with the most "Like", most creative and have the winning caption will be winning one of the 5 coveted iPad as grand prizes or one of the 5 Canon Ixus as consolation prizes.
Link: http://www.facebook.com/Spritzer.Tinge?v=app_124385517610003
Nice info. Take part in Spritzer "TINGE in Best Shot Contest and stand a chance to win iPads and Canon ixus camera.
Fore more info visit us...
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