Title: Gillette and Head & Shoulders - "Live your Football Dream” Contest

Grand Prize
1-week training in a professional football academy for you +
Football match package including match tickets, flights and hotel accommodation for you & a friend in England worth RM193,600

2nd Prize
Football match package including match tickets, flights and hotel accommodation for you & a friend in England worth RM45,400

3rd Prize x 5
Genuine signed jersey with certificate of authenticity, total worth RM32,400

Special Prize x 40
Top five voters of the week wins a football, total worth RM2,560

30 November 2010 (1st Oct - 30th Nov 2010)

Show your "Football Performance" or "Football Goal Celebration" and grab your 1-week training in a professional football academy with top live football match in England.

How to Win:
  1. Buy Gillette and Head & Shoulders products with a minimum combined value of RM25
  2. Create a video of yourself doing a fantastic football skill or creatively celebrating a goal and upload it at www.liveyourfootballdream.com
  3. Share it out to get people voting for you, and most voted video wins!!!


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