Title: UNIQLO Malaysia - "GO UNIQLO" Contest

1st Prize
An All-Expense-Paid Trip to Tokyo
- A pair of round-trip air tickets from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Tokyo, Japan.
- As well as four nights hotel accommodation in Tokyo, Japan.

2nd Prize x 10
An exclusive invite to Pre-Opening party
- at Atrium Fahrenheit 88 on 3rd November evening plus a RM100 store voucher.

3rd Prize x 50
RM100 UNIQLO store voucher

4th Prize x 150
RM50 UNIQLO store voucher

5th Prize x 250
RM20 UNIQLO store voucher

3 November 2010

UNIQLO opens its first store in Malaysia on 4th November.
Create your own go uniqlo trail, and hunt for hidden shopping vouchers, mystery prizes and an All-Expense-Paid trip to Tokyo for two. Let's GO UNIQLO!

How to Win:
  1. Create your own trail by simply keying in an address.
  2. Click on any item of clothing to see if you have won a prize.
  3. You have 3 tries per day.
Winners are determined by a randomized electronic draw.


1 Comment

  1. contests On February 1, 2012 at 3:32 PM

    I love to participate in different contests..It is a great fun..This post shares information about the amazing contest by UNIQLO..The best thing about this contest is that the winner will get a trip to Tokyo..I would definitely participate in this contest..


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