Title: M3 Mail & Win Contest
1st Prize
PAPAGO R6100 worth RM699
2nd Prize
WayWay Q3501 worth RM399
3rd Prize
Apple iPod Shuffle 4GB worth RM329
10 x Consolation Prize
MapKing GPS Software worth RM139 each
30 June 2010
Join the M3 Mail & Win Contest and stand a chance to win a fantastic GPS device or an iPod. SHARE AND WIN GPS AND iPOD. JOIN NOW!
How to Win:
Simply fill in the form below, then enter as many times as you want to increase your chances of winning by inviting as many friends as you have.
Note: Remember the more you enter valid email addresses, the more chances you have of winning these fantastic prizes. The competition ends on the 30th June, so enter now. Good Luck!
Link: http://www.m3shoppe.com/win
GooD LuCk!