Title: Samsung "Experience a new dimension in TV" Contest
Grand Prize
- Samsung 40" 3D LED TV
- 2 pairs of 3D glasses
- A 3D Blu-ray disc
16 July 2010
To own a Samsung 3D LED TV is no more a dream. Join the Samsung "Experience a new dimension in TV" Contest and stand a chance to win it with 3 simple steps.
How to Win:
Follow the instructions to set up your web cam and view the 3D animation. Enter the contest by describing what you think is the Ultimate TV by using all 3 words found within the 3D animation. Keep your submission to fewer than 200 characters and stand to win a 40” Series 7 Full HD 3D LED TV from Samsung.
Link: http://www.samsung.com/my/3dtv/contest/
shud try tho.. huhu~