Title: MPH "MY BEST FRIEND Blogging Competition 2010"
1st Prize
One iriver e-Reader
2nd Prize
RM300 worth of book vouchers
3rd Prize
RM200 worth of book vouchers
Consolation prizes x 7
RM100 worth of book vouchers
1 August 2010
Share a story of your best friend with us, how you are inspired and touch by the friendship. Let you story of your best friend change lives.
MY BEST FRIEND Blogging Competition is open to all Malaysians above 18 years old (except staff of MPH Group of companies) from 1st June to 1st August, 2010.
How to Win:
Write a story of your best friend and blog it.
Link: http://www.mphonline.com/contest/my_best_friend.aspx
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