Title: Nestle Nesvita Omega Plus "MY HEALTHY HEART" Contest
Grand Prize
Nintendo Wii + NESVITA OMEGA PLUS® hamper

Monthly Prizes (6 Winners)
Shopping Vouchers worth RM200 + NESVITA OMEGA PLUS® hamper

11 July 2010

My Healthy Heart™ – a fun way to keep ‘fit’ online, while winning great prizes! Join in the fun and stand a chance to win a Nintendo Wii.

How to Win:
  1. Play the "My Healthy Heart" online game and gain the virtual points to increases your health level.
  2. The higher your Health Levels, the better your chances of winning the Nintendo Wii!

Link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NESTLE-NESVITA-OMEGA-PLUS-Say-I-Do/98004051680?v=app_4949752878

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