Title: All IT Hypermarket "My IT Lifestyle" Contest
Grand Prize
Apple iPad
31 August 2010
Upload your BEST IT Lifestyle pictures and share it with your friends! The picture with the MOST "LIKES" will WIN an APPLE IPAD !!! Hurry up and start uploading !!!
How to Win:
- Take a picture of yourself (or your friends or your pet) with an IT product in the most creative or cute manner
- Upload it to our Wall @ http://www.facebook.com/allithypermarket
- Share it with your friends and ask them to vote by clicking "LIKE"
- The picture with the MOST "LIKES" by the end of 31st August 2010 will WIN a brand new Apple iPAD!
Link: http://www.facebook.com/allithypermarket?v=app_4949752878
hi =) milo clicked for u =)