Title: Watch & Tweet Astro B.player Contest
Round of 16 (29 June - 1 July)  
1 x Laptop
6 x RM 100 Movie Voucher

Quarter-Finals (2 July - 5 July)  
1 x Laptop
6 x RM 100 Movie Voucher

Semi-Finals (6 July - 9July)
1 x Laptop
6 x RM 100 Movie Voucher

3rd & 4th Placing & Final (11 July - 12 July)
1 x 42" LCD TV
1 x Laptop
6 x RM 100 Movie Voucher

15 July 2010

Watch & Tweet Astro B.player Contest is a contest organized by the Organiser which encourages internet users to watch the World Cup matches via the Astro B.player Web and tweet on the games that is being watched.

How to Win:
1. Set up a Twitter account (if you haven't already) and follow @astrobplayer (http://twitter.com/astrobplayer)
2. Register yourself at www.astro.com.my
3. Watch the live games via Astro B.player Web on www.astro.com.my/bplayer.
4. While watching the game, Contestant will have to tweet about the game via the share button on the Astro B.player Web.
5. Each tweet must include the #astrobplayer hash tag and the bit.ly link generated by the Astro B.player Web.
6. Contest winner will be chosen based on the most creative tweet which shall be ascertained at the Organiser's sole discretion.

Link: http://www.astro.com.my/bplayercontest

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